Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Status: 99%!!!

I finished the final testversion on Friday and it looks like Mickele and I found and fixed a good chunk of the last remaining bugs.
No guarantee that there might not still be some left.

A probably bug source might be the fact that all H-Scenes are now abort able and have not been tested outside of the galley yet.

There's is still a long typo list, that I have to correct. But that should probably be done by Tuesday.

But all in all, things are looking pretty good.

So... maybe I can release the official update by the next weekend.

I decided that I will from now solely upload to and provide mega links.
I'm keeping my other file hoster accounts though, so If you have trouble accessing mega from your location for some reason, let me know which hosters work for you and I'll try to provide alternative links.

Donors will receive the link to the gifpack 3 on the the release date along with the passwords to unlock the donor content and to unpack gifpack.

Donor Content in this Version includes:

-You can unlock all scenes in the Gallery.
-Unlock all Bonus Pictures
-View all Bonus Pictures, Bonus Pictures without activated Donor Content are limited to 10
-Unlock Hidden content in the Pidora H-Scene and several scripted scenes
-There's a small Donor Exclusive Quest with a powerful item as reward
-The ability to use the Plinpe Magic Item Shop
-Cheat mode (experimental)
-The Evilmeter, which shows your EP, Decision Count and Decision Reference Values
-The new outro sequence differs from the non DC Version
-A short conditional lesbian scene

If you are not already a Donor, you can become one by donating 5€ or more to my paypal, you will then receive a mail with the passwords as soon as possible.

So... see you soon. ^^


  1. i already was a donor like 4 months ago do i have to donate again oto get the stuff or im cool (i would donate again but is gonna be december and i want to save all the money i have just in case)

  2. I finally got around to donating =)
