Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The future of this blog

Googles Change of Terms of Service are making it necessary to make some changes to this blog, if I want to keep it.

Meaning: No more NSFW pictures on this blog.

I'm going to export my screenshot gallery to a separate gallery outside of this blog and new images will be censored if they contain nudity. Uncensored Versions will be published in this external gallery.

Additionally I deleted all posts from before 2014 because I can not check each and every post for NSFW content...

The ToS talks about pictures and videos, so I think links to NSFW material is still going to be OK, unless google decides to push the stick up their ass even further upwards.

Be careful, google, push it to far and it's gonna hit your brain.

Edit: All the TNA has been censored now, uncensored versions can be found in the new gallery.


  1. why dont you make it private? and are you sure they speaking of non real images?

  2. Replies
    1. Because I want to keep this blog and as far as I understand it, private means that only I and selected/registered users can access the blog.
      On the other hand, maybe I can finally monetize my blog now, once it's SFW.
      I already began to censor images. Try to hunt every pixel pun down that I added to them!

    2. why do nt you sue all Japanese artist/developers use it and some non japanese too

  3. Hey- it seems google backed down- I guess loads of people complained?

    Seems you can have adult stuff as long as you have the adult tag and aren't commercial, so basically no change :)

    1. Dammit! And I deleted half of my blog because of this... -_-

    2. will you return in it to normal i kinda prefered this blog when was uncensored now it seems sad when i get here (thats why i was so insistenet with the fc2 i dont like when censoring happens especially when big companies tries to force it)
