Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sunday Morning News

Good morning, here's the breakfast news!

Progress this week:

I'm on new medication for my sleeping problem. And it's great. I have so much more energy and have been spinning like a tornado since last Sunday. In a good way.

I'm getting a "new" (read "used") car, gonna have to sell my old one first though. Let's hope I get at least a little money out of the clunker... I fear the radio inside is worth more than the tin can around.

Oh... Yes.... The game...

The first longer sequence for Chapter 7 is about half done, half done because there is an H-Scene in the middle of it and it turned out to be a bit more complex than I had initially planned.

By now I made 314 (!!!) Pics for the Scene and it's not even close to being done. Why so many pics? Because it has many independently moving parts and is a mini game. Aside from the micromax Minigame it has to be the second most elaborate minigame yet. But it does not feel much like work. Actually I'm having a lot of fun with it. ^^

Here's a preview:

Bounce, Bounce, Bounce...

And then I felt like making a new Bonus Pic because why the fuck not?

Rrrrr.... I'm Bonus Pic 15... A cut out at least...
Hope I have all pics ready tomorrow, then I have to edit them and then I can build the minigame. I think it's going to be worth the effort.

That's it for today.

1 comment:

  1. good thing you sleeping better and about the car be sure that you can buy the new one for sure before selling the old one.

    omg another bonus pic an has noja so me happy XD
