Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bad News... and Sort of Good News(?)

So what has been announcing itself over the last year finally happened...

Fatal Hard Drive Crash.

My old Machine is just too hot (meaning it's heating like a mofo). I have a fan to blow air on it now for the last year. I put it on 2 now. More cooling, but also more noise.

Still saving up for a new machine, so Little steaming laptop has to keep heating my winter days... and probably summer days, too. Hope the GPU does not die next.

I bought a new hard drive today. There goes another 140 Euros... :P

The bad news:
I lost all the pictures I made last week and this week... about 400.
1 and 1/2 weeks for nothing. :P

The Good News:
I made backups of my development folder just yesterday, so at least I was able to recover my project without loss.

I said it once, I said it again:


Well... It's back to square one now I guess.

Hope you had a better day than I had.


  1. Sorry you had a rough day. Know the fans believe in you.

  2. You could get a relatively inexpensive 8TB external My Book Duo. It would be an easy way to backup your files. If you wanted to backup twice you could get a couple xD. Good luck with restoring what you lost and recreating what you have to.

    Also, I use a box fan to blow into the open side of my case since with the higher end GPU's you produce too much heat for a simple air cooling system. The other issue you would run into with most cases is that unless you're setup in a clean environment with a clean source of heating you are going to fill up with dust inside the case. That means you have to tear down and frequently clean your computer out.
