Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Status and Patch reupload

The last patch produced an error when you entered the upper floor of the tower. I re uploaded a patch that should get rid of that error.

I started to refine the rough script for Chapter 6.
The group will have to deal with the recent events. Klara must be found and the group will split up again at some point because the place where Jack has to go to next is somewhat too dangerous for certain characters.

Also, like I said in the last post, I'm working on another update that will add another side quest.
It does not continue the overall storyline but sheds some light on the conditions of the demon real and introduces 2 new character.
One of them, Noja, has already been mentioned by a guard at the Plinpe harbor.
The other... not.^^

Both will not join the party right away, but depending on how the quest ends, will become available later.
One new H-Scene will be added, maybe another.

Also I'm currently working on a new feature.
Similar to cookies a new item can be collected which gives you a Bonus Picture for each one you collect.
The pictures then can be viewed in the photo book.
They do have to do have not much if at all to do with the overall storyline, but rather show the characters in abstruse situations (like completely drunk at a karaoke bar).

Here's a preview:


  1. Ok finished the new part :) Asylum was well done with some interessting choices.
    I still have a couple of question to ask.
    1) Where is Fatienobel Forest Dungeon? I would loke to explore it since its the only place i didn't visit.
    2) There is only one battle wang availaible in the game, cause i dont have it anymore so i cannot use the combiner (sad thing since i got that super Dripping wang)
    3) Where can you bake cookies? The only one i could bake was in the convent and its was only once.

    Since this version fiƧnished with a cliffhanger Im now wating for seeing what will be in the next uptdate, keepu up the good work!

  2. Thanks for the quick reply :)
    Anyway if the forest dungeon is the wormhole the im a idiot and have already clean that one.
