Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Friday, April 3, 2015

Patch 0.4.5p - :p

Here's another patch. I did a playthrough and discovered a lot of issues.
I don't think that I found everything, but this patch should at least make the game playable again.
If you find more bugs, please report them with a good description of the issue and send me a save.

Another think that I'm not sure about is that my Jeff was completely evil because his decision count was 0 when he rejoined the group. Does anybody else have a red aura Jeff although you did not choose any bad options?

Anyway, this patch changes the following.

-removed Cocki as required actor after you convinced Roha in the tower dungeon.
-you'll now sleep at the in automatically when you get the nuns garment
-somehow the boat music was gone - fixed
-adjusted the light in the dungeon on the desert island a bit
-plant monsters in Bob's forest would not move - fixed
-small change to Pidora quest aftermath events, jack should now be added to the first party slot instead of Jeff
-translated some left over german lines
-changed player speed to normal and battle bgm to normal after first Archive visit with Klara
-copying the cookie recipe did not work - fixed
-talking to Jack from the left to wake him is no longer necessary
-fixed a anti lag related bug in the asylum. the game would freeze after Syra's presentation on the first floor
-at some point the door to the asylum fortress would not open anymore - fixed
-fixed another anti lag related bug. Game would freeze when the asylum fortress explodes
-fixed a phantom bug. Game would freeze before jack enters the wardens office after Jeff and company took put the guards on the first floor
-after jack jumps down the hole, his graphic got messed up - fixed
-added hidden chip stash
-small bug: when Bimb and Bomb first appear, they walk right through their bungalow door -fixed
-removed Richard from Jeff's party after the tower battle



Patch 0.4.5p


Patch 0.4.5p


Patch 0.4.5p


  1. Do I have to download all the patches relesed before or only this one?

    1. only the latest patch. delete the old ones if you have any.
