Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Sunday, March 29, 2015

News! H-Scenes, bugs and splits

This week saw again a lot of bug fixing, still I managed to accomplish a lot.

Spoiler warning!

I mad a couple of new maps.
They are updated Versions of Ban Ban's Village and her castle. There's been a lot going on on the island while or friends were gone and it's left its traces on the village.

Then I made a new boss battler and enemy. I did not draw him this time but made him in TDCG because I might add an H-Scene with him later.

I finished 2 (3 if you count a very short optional one) H-Scenes with the nuns. Still have to finish the last one, the Donor Scene but I might have this done by tomorrow. Nope, just finished it. :D

Also I made a sprite sheet for one of the new characters and played a bit around with her stats and skills. Right now her name is Trinitola and she's a demolisher. That's a class I invented, very weak on attacks but she uses Bombs and Grenades as her main means of attack and can construct Bombs for the rest of the group to use, which makes her a quite powerful ally.
You might have already seen her in the group shot before the outro dance. 

For next week I'm planing to complete Jeff's arrival on the island and the events around Foo's group that was left behind. Overall I hope to get a lot of story done next week, finishing all these H-Scene really held me back. One or two night shifts should get me back on track though.

Another thing that I menationed already but would like to talk about again is the possibility of splitting the game into two parts.
The sheer size is beginning to make problems. The Picture count is no close to 6000, and I suspect that VXA might have problems handling so many.
Also I notice over the last week that bugs start to appear just randomly. Probably another size issue.
So I would really like to find a way to split the game. I think transfering one save from one game to the other should not be a problem.

I think this chapter 7 is a good point to end Invasion D's first part and start the new part with chapter 8. It would make sense from the story beacuse there going to be a lot of change for Jack and Jeff besides the already mentioned reasons. Also 7 is a lucky number. ^^

But I would like to know what you think, leave your opinion in the comments.


  1. I think it's a great idea!

    Go for it :)

  2. Yeap, split the game please.

  3. Split it only if you have planned next 7 chapters of the game.

    But seriously, do it if you think it'll help, as you might run out of letters for patches too soon ^_^
