Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Patch 0.4.5n

Another day, another patch...
This one changes the following:

-broke patch record for one version
-fixed a game freeze bug, ironically when you accept the bug hunt quest
-fixed another game freeze bug that occurs after you tried to talk to Klaras mother and
 go back to Klara to talk to her.
edit: -fixes another blackscreen bug when Klara joins your party at the tower

Again, it was a bug that was caused by VXA not saving the game correctly.
It looks like these kinds of bugs are stacking up, maybe it's a script problem, maybe it's a bug in VXA itself.
What it also could be is a problem with the size of the game.
I'm currently considering to split the game into 2 parts again to avoid future problems that are size related. Especially because the next big update is probably going to be above 1 GB in size.
But Tell me your opinion about splitting if you like.

BTW there is an item in your inventory called "Anti Lag Controller". If you encounter a bug, try to turn the Anti Lag OFF with it and see if the bug remains. Then report it of course, best with a save attached. ^^


Patch 0.4.5n
Patch 0.4.5n
Patch 0.4.5n


  1. I had the game freeze with a black screen when Klara joined at the tower.

    1. Thank you, fixed that one too and updated the links.
      Just download the pach again.
