Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Early News

A little early this week, but here are the news.

Fellow hentai rpg game developer ghwvjts wrote a very funny review of Invasion D for his INTER-VIEW! Series.
You can read it here.
If you want to check out his other work, click this link.

I'm almost done with the Noja Sidequest and I'm probably going to release it on Sunday.
I would have had it ready earlier, had I not run into a some problems and had I not decided to extend it a bit more. I added an alternative route in the quest, including a second H-Scene.
Still have to make a couple of more CGs though because one of my models just would not act in the animations as intended.

Fun times!

Less fun times....

The script for Chapter 7 is finally complete (has been for a week now).
After the release I'm finally going to begin to hack the story bits into the maps.
As I already said before, I added MOGs Anti lag script, which is really nice - accept when it makes
But I'm positive that I can get around that.

Meanwhile, I've been playing with the idea of getting a patreon account as many of my colleagues have.
So I'm asking you, my players, if you think this would be a sensible idea .

Leave your opinion in the comments.

That's it for today.

Happy... urr... Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. well if it makes your life easier then yeah get a patron, but remember dont ask for too much or less people gonna donate and put interesting stuff or completely optional like some do it works for them too.

    and im very ecxited to see that noja quest as you have probably guess by now noja is my fav
