Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Hello everybody.

This is probably going to be the last post for this year.

No new bug reports for a while, so I guess that's a good sign.

So here's the news.

I began to write the rough script for Chapter 7, it's about 50% done I'd say. But it still needs a lot of polishing.

What I can already say that there are going to be two new characters for your party.

I got a couple of circumstances down for new H-Scenes and all in all I'm going to wrap up a lot of loose strings in this chapter.

I made 19 new maps already:

One big exterior map, a temple map with 3 levels and a lot of houses.

And that's about it.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.

Stay awesome. ^^

Oh, and here are a couple of screens of the new maps.


  1. Hello, I'm a new player of your game. A friend of mine linked it to me, I tried it and liked it a lot. I wanted to say thank you for this game, it's really good.

    I also wanted to ask a question because I'm curious. Who is the main character of the game? Jack or Jeff?
    I wanted to ask because yes, you do play both of them, but in my opinion it's not really clear right now who is the main character.

    Personally I can't stand Jeff :P

  2. i hope you have a good time with your holidays

    but i wanted to ask i hope you add more scene with noja she only have the one of her quest and the one if she dies. another thing someday you should consider adding more stuff to the islands where jeff go with tia and noja (i think pidora and the pistol girl too but in my game i didnt got them with me ill re try i think the only one i cant get is the pistol girl since i like to save the boy) is beach with a lot of possibilities just suggesting.

    but anyway thats the only suggestion i have verything else is great you make one of the best games i have seen in a while
