Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Wheee! 200,000 Hits! Oh, and Status.

This blog broke the 200,000 hits mark! Thank you all for your interest!
If only I had 1 cent for every hit...
Any millionaires among you who don't know what to do with their money?
Then click the donate button. ;)

How things are going:

No computer crashes while I was working, so I guess that's good...?

Another H-Scene is done, making it 4 new Scenes so far.

Guess I'll have to rape you now, sorry.

Jack's Route is almost ready as well as a part of Jeff's.

Things might get a little ugly from here, depending on how you played.

200,000 hits! Why, Jack?!

Finally I came to a point where I can use a map that I made 6 months ago... only to give it a complete revamp.

And I  added yet another Yanfly script, System Options.
Why? Because why not. ^^

If you're in the Eu, I hope you didn't forget to vote! If you did and still can, move your ass to the ballot!

Wheee! 200,000 Hits! Oh, and Status.

This blog broke the 200,000 hits mark! Thank you all for your interest!
If only I had 1 cent for every hit...
Any millionaires among you who don't know what to do with their money?
Then click the donate button. ;)

How things are going:

Monday, May 19, 2014

Give me your Victory Messages!

As I already wrote, I added Yanfly's Victory Aftermath Script to the game.
It comes with a couple of random messages which the characters give after a battle.

But I would like to have unique phrases for each character, but I didn't come up with much yet,
apart from "Timber!"  for Jack... which I find rather lame.
Or "Roast in peace!" for Jeff.
Seems like One-Liners are not my thing. ^^
So I thought I'd be asking my players for their ideas.

Leave your suggestions in the comments.
Be creative!

Give me your Victory Messages!

As I already wrote, I added Yanfly's Victory Aftermath Script to the game.
It comes with a couple of random messages which the characters give after a battle.

But I would like to have unique phrases for each character, but I didn't come up with much yet,
apart from "Timber!"  for Jack... which I find rather lame.
Or "Roast in peace!" for Jeff.
Seems like One-Liners are not my thing. ^^
So I thought I'd be asking my players for their ideas.

Leave your suggestions in the comments.
Be creative!

Patch link fixed

For some reason the second link to the patch redirected to the wrong file.
I fixed the link.

Patch link fixed

For some reason the second link to the patch redirected to the wrong file.
I fixed the link.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Just finished another quest line concerning Roha in case Richard did not make it out of the Asylum.

What's new is that I added another 2 of Yanfly's awesome scripts:
Free Turn Battle, which allows to be more strategic during battles,
and Victory Aftermath just because I think it looks neat. ^^

Also, I made a couple of new pictures for the Donor Content.
Here's a preview:

New Resting Points in certain spots

One of the randomized pictures triggered by resting.
 All in all, making good progress here. I slept surprisingly well the last couple of nights, which really helps being creative. Might be the weather.  ^^

Oh, and again, please remember to always install the latest patch before you send a bug report.
I'm really tired of getting the same bug reports over and over again. :P


Just finished another quest line concerning Roha in case Richard did not make it out of the Asylum.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Asking for your help

I'm having problems with my computer again...

The problem being that it keeps crashing on me, last time while I was in the middle of editing a rather large event... 2 hours of work were gone...

So I'm going to need a new one soon or I'm going to have give it to a workshop again, which I'd rather not want to do, because who knows when I'm going to get it back.

Given my current financial situation (no job apart from this one as of last month and it does not look too good to find something new) neither are an option right now.

So I'd like to ask for your help.

And by help I mean donations. Of course, only if you want to, but you'd really help me here.

In return I would do the following:

1) once the first goal is reached (let's say 300  €, which would cover a complete check and repair in a workshop), I going to deactivate all linkbucks links and replace them with direct links for at least 3 months and for the next big release.

2) I made a lot of gifs to test animations, lots of them have not been shown on this blog, some have been but in lower quality. I would created a new gifpack, similar to the old one, but password protected. I would then send the password and link to each donor.

3) I would include all current bonus pics in the archive.

4) I'm going to create exclusive content for donors in the next release, like hidden password protected scenes, bonus pics, weapons, skills etc.


What I have done so far: With the next update a new item will be added to the inventory calles "Donor Content" which will give donors the option to unlock all scenes in the gallery and all bonus pics. Additionally, a special feature will be added. Once you entered the password to unlock the special content,certain resting spots will appear. Resting at these points will show a variety of pictures (one at a time) similar to the bonus pictures.

Example: You dominated Shooga, so you'll get a Pic of Shooga and Jack getting it on. Or if you didn't, you'll see Shooga masturbating.

You can donate via paypal or flattr.

Please leave your opinion and/or suggestions in the comments.

Thank you very much. ^^

Asking for your help

I'm having problems with my computer again...

The problem being that it keeps crashing on me, last time while I was in the middle of editing a rather large event... 2 hours of work were gone...

So I'm going to need a new one soon or I'm going to have give it to a workshop again, which I'd rather not want to do, because who knows when I'm going to get it back.

Given my current financial situation (no job apart from this one as of last month and it does not look too good to find something new) neither are an option right now.

So I'd like to ask for your help.

And by help I mean donations. Of course, only if you want to, but you'd really help me here.

In return I would do the following:

1) once the first goal is reached (let's say 300  €, which would cover a complete check and repair in a workshop), I going to deactivate all linkbucks links and replace them with direct links for at least 3 months and for the next big release.

2) I made a lot of gifs to test animations, lots of them have not been shown on this blog, some have been but in lower quality. I would created a new gifpack, similar to the old one, but password protected. I would then send the password and link to each donor.

3) I would include all current bonus pics in the archive.

4) I'm going to create exclusive content for donors in the next release, like hidden password protected scenes, bonus pics, weapons, skills etc.


What I have done so far: With the next update a new item will be added to the inventory calles "Donor Content" which will give donors the option to unlock all scenes in the gallery and all bonus pics. Additionally, a special feature will be added. Once you entered the password to unlock the special content,certain resting spots will appear. Resting at these points will show a variety of pictures (one at a time) similar to the bonus pictures.

Example: You dominated Shooga, so you'll get a Pic of Shooga and Jack getting it on. Or if you didn't, you'll see Shooga masturbating.

You can donate via paypal or flattr.

Please leave your opinion and/or suggestions in the comments.

Thank you very much. ^^

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Remaking a couple of battlers

Just finished the Demon Soldier.



The Molemaid is next.



Remaking a couple of battlers

Just finished the Demon Soldier.



The Molemaid is next.


Old mole pixels...

New mole pixels...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Status and about Patches

I would like to remind you players that you should always install the latest patch along with the current version. If you run into a bug, please check if you have the patch installed correctly and if so, whether the problem still occurs, before posting a bug report.

Making good progress here.
I'm currently working on the third of... errr... many H-Scenes for the next chapter.


I noticed that the Noja Quest can still be played in the beginning of Chapter 6 and I think I'm going to keep it that way.

 There is now a new location in Fatienobel, a ferry port. Which will become important later.

Also made some changes to the sneaker CE, from the next chapter on having a party member in the reserve party with sneakers equipped is not enough anymore to avoid random encounters.
But I'm trying to go away from the random encounters anyway.

Status and about Patches

I would like to remind you players that you should always install the latest patch along with the current version. If you run into a bug, please check if you have the patch installed correctly and if so, whether the problem still occurs, before posting a bug report.

Making good progress here.
I'm currently working on the third of... errr... many H-Scenes for the next chapter.


Thursday, May 1, 2014


Given the circumstances (person very close to me is at the hospital and I visit her as often I can), things are going well.
I finished the intro sequence for Chapter 6 and 1 H-Scene.

Today I spent mostly learning how to retexture TDCG mods and a little writing.

Here's the result:

We can't stay here - this is spoiler country!

Chapter 6 begins right after Klara disappeared through the portal.
Jeff and Jack are in dispute on their next move which leads to Jeff leaving the group.
Other members of your party might also not so convinced anymore, that Jack knows, what he's doing.
Time is short and Jeff has to find a portal to rescue Klara, while Jack goes looking for clues in the Archive.


Given the circumstances (person very close to me is at the hospital and I visit her as often I can), things are going well.
I finished the intro sequence for Chapter 6 and 1 H-Scene.

Today I spent mostly learning how to retexture TDCG mods and a little writing.

Here's the result: