Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New downlod links

There are new links in the download section to turbobit and mediafire.

I assume hat most of you will prefer mediafira but consider to click the other links and wait till the count down has finished if you want to do me a favor. ;)


  1. Is there new content? It has the same rev and date as the November update. PS - tried everything else but only got the RG link to work. Uploaded lost connection after 1.5 hrs and Turbobit kept telling me to wait 9 minutes (for an hour). RG took 2 hours. Mediafire got the other two sections in less than 15 minutes...tried to get more ad $ to you...

  2. Your download links go to websites that try and make me download strange executable files I cannot trust, instead of the advertised download services.
