Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New downlod links

There are new links in the download section to turbobit and mediafire.

I assume hat most of you will prefer mediafira but consider to click the other links and wait till the count down has finished if you want to do me a favor. ;)


  1. Is there new content? It has the same rev and date as the November update. PS - tried everything else but only got the RG link to work. Uploaded lost connection after 1.5 hrs and Turbobit kept telling me to wait 9 minutes (for an hour). RG took 2 hours. Mediafire got the other two sections in less than 15 minutes...tried to get more ad $ to you...

    1. No new content, just new links cause hottile has been taken down by US Feds.

  2. Your download links go to websites that try and make me download strange executable files I cannot trust, instead of the advertised download services.

    1. Ignore everything but the upper frame, wait till the countdown is over and click "skip this add", you'll be redirected to the correct file.

  3. so how you doing, everything alright. havent heard of you in a while

  4. you havent say anything for a while so how you doing?

    1. Fine so far, my computer was broken and it took the repair guy forever to fix it.
      Not going to that store again... :P
