Invasion D - Dark Fantasy H Game

Saturday, July 13, 2013

New Screens

I think I'm at the 50% mark now. Work's not going as fast as I would like to.

Here's a couple of new screen shots.



  1. hello Mentaldrama:
    firstly let me tell you wath a great game you have in here.

    secundly, i'm making my own game and i wanted to make a cg like your's so could you send me the script for it, please???

  2. thanks
    but i was thalking about that thing wen you go to your "base" and go into that chest that is in your bedrom and there is some people inside it and wen you click those persons apears a menu with the scenes you have already seen about that person

    sorry about the confusion

    ps: sorry to about my english, it's not my first language

    1. thank you really much for your help :)

  3. i wanted to ask if yiu can make the game for android
